Office 365 64 bits
Office 365 64 bits

office 365 64 bits

from now mid-Jan 2019 forward both Office ProPlus (the continuously updating subscription version from Office 365) and Office 2019 (the version you buy “in a box” but also actually click to run). The default Office 365 click to run install was indeed 32-bit regardless of your OS version, until now. It was initially recommended to run 32-bit Office as all the Office plugins were typically written for 32-bit, you were only recommended to run 64-bit if you needed to address a lot of RAM, for example running large spreadsheets. You might think the 32-bit version was for 32-bit Windows and the 64-bit for 64-bit windows, but 64-bit windows can run actually run 32-bit Office fine, Since Office 2010, Microsoft has offered a 32-bit install and a 64-bit Office install.

Office 365 64 bits