Mount and blade warband secrets
Mount and blade warband secrets

mount and blade warband secrets

This will significantly speed up the trading, about 2-3 times. Thus, all things will be transferred to the trader's slots for one click. Hold the Ctrl button and start clicking on the left mouse button sold or purchased.

mount and blade warband secrets

If you are tired of slowly dragging the goods in the seller's slots, do the following. Especially for you, all secrets and tips Mount and Blade Warband were collected, which only build the game and make it more interesting. But what if you are a novice and you want to know all the secrets to quickly and easily go through the game. Fortunately, the Mount and Blade Warband game is no exception and has a lot of different secrets. In almost every computer game there are secrets that can be detected only through a large amount of time.

Mount and blade warband secrets